Monday, January 5, 2015

Male Pain Again

I didn't really want to talk about it but I am hurting more than normal recently. I just had to crap and that REALLY hurt. Add to that, it is very cold in the bathroom at the moment.

Taking a shower in that cold bathroom is no fun either. Shiver until the water warms.

I was told three things to manage this pain. Dr. H emphasized number 3 on this list.

1. Take Motrin. I cannot take ibuprofen, it hurts my stomach. 

2. Take a hot bath, which I can't when it is so cold. The cold steals away the heat fast. 

3. Masturbate. I try not to do it too much, it always hurts afterward. And plus, cold.... 

Why did Dr. H tell me to do that? Well, prostatic fluid builds up over time and is subject to infection. I had one of these before and it is like stinging fire combined with a migraine in your pelvis. 

Have to release ever so often or get sick again.

I know it is a hard subject to talk about. It is part of being male, sure. I am cursed with this pain that is always there, just a little more harsh now. 

2 things will kill excitement in that area.

1. Anxiety, a panic attack will shut things down like an iron hammer coming down.

2. Cold. My body does NOT like cold at all.

Sure, I can get it to work, but maintaining when it's so cold? Nope.

Ha, if you could see it now, it is not in the excited state at all. I'm cold.

Short of posting a picture, that will have to do.

My male pain should subside eventually back to the dull ache I always feel there. I wonder about the day it doesn't subside. What then?

Ever go to the doctor for this? Embarrassing ain't the word for it.

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