Monday, January 9, 2023


I did laundry at the laundromat today. I ran out of quarters so some things did not dry but my agoraphobia is stronger than waiting for it.

Why does every do laundry on Mondays? Doesn't anyone have a job? 

Then it's like rudeness. People look at you like you have a yellow chicken suit on. 

Looks, attention, that affects my anxiety most. I have panic sweat and it was 67 outside. 

I think most people have meaningless lives. They contribute nothing and nothing matters to them. 

I have distain for other people. You work in a busy store and see how you feel. Working for Walmart ruined my life.

Say what you will to say you matter. You don't. No one truly does.

We should have remained australopithecines. Or better yet, not apes at all. Human was a big mistake and whatever extinctes us came 1000s of years too late.