Saturday, January 3, 2015

Allergy Risk

A long time ago, when I was a kid, I'd say 9 or 10, I had a severe skin irritation on my leg near my crotch area. It became crusty and bled a lot. What caused this? Many things were looked at but it became clear that the laundry soap was the blame.

What was this laundry soap?

It was Tide, the kind that comes in the red jug. There is something in Tide that triggers a severe skin allergy reaction in me. This happened when I worked at Solectron and our antistatic smocks were washed in Tide. I had to tell them.

I handled Tide while working in the stores. Yes, I was careful. I never used Tide in all the time I have done my own laundry. I have been doing my own laundry since I was a young teenager.

Maybe I have things in my laundry I don't want others to handle. I mean, MeUndies briefs may be male cut but they look like panties in the laundry basket. Especially the 'raspberry' colored one.

I am not particularly shy about my purple colored shirts. Yes, I wear purple sometimes but not for the reason you might think.

I go to the Laundromat, it doesn't bother me. The one I used for a very long time closed last summer and I have either used an expensive new one down 4th Street from the old one or this shiny big one in Cove, where I met that woman.

I went there after getting my new vz internet thingy. It was on the way back. I was very anxious because I wanted to see if it would work. It did or else I wouldn't be writing this.

Two days ago was the monthly trip to wm to buy groceries. The store was blown, shelves empty, items unavailable, I mean, there were no potatoes to be had in the produce section.

This was not restricted to any department. Even the soap aisle was blown. I looked for All but I ain't paying $12 for a big jug of it.

I saw a small, affordable jug of something I have not tried. Something I have avoided like the plague for years.
What is it?

It was this....

This may be hypo-allergenic like All Free-Clear is. I don't know. I got it because it was only $4 something.

I first used it hours ago. I will let you know if I have an allergic reaction to it. I find red spots on my skin interesting. Remember my ant bites?

I am not itchy because of the soap, dry skin sitting by the heater, you know?

You might find this interesting. Why not? What laundry soap do you use? I may keep using this kind of Tide if it has a positive result. It is about being powerful enough to clean.

I mean, a commercial washer. No telling who used it before. Or the employees of the laundry cleaned it? I don't know.

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