Monday, February 7, 2022


Two days ago, I went to the Post Office to check the mail. There was none in the age of Dejoy's destruction of the USPS. That's another topic much written about elsewhere. 

I was leaving. There was ice on the area just off the step down. The parking lot is all concrete.

I mainly wear a gray pair of Saucony Jazz shoes. They don't hurt my feet. They have a tread usually well suited for walking.

Only, when I tentatively stepped on the ice, my foot slid out and I fell hard on my back.

I hit my head, toward the back of the top of the head. I landed on the ice and it might have prevented a concussion.

 I was knocked silly. I was stunned. I could not move for several moments.

My head felt like I was sleepy when I wasn't. I did not realize my glasses went flying when I hit the ground.

I remember thinking why can't I see? And staggered over to find my glasses on the concrete. They were not damaged. 

I made it over to the car and waited for several moments before I automatically drove back home.

My mom said I should go to the emergency room. I did. She took me.

I sat in a chair in the triage room, hooked to a blood pressure and blood oxygen level machine. Its screen was incomprehensible but then I wasn't all there mentally at the time.

I sat there for over an hour before the doctor came and looked at me. He said I suffered a contusion. No concussion.

I know what a concussion feels like. I had one when I fell off the porch when I was a kid. It wasn't like that much at all.

It was more like being hit with a brick or something similar.  

My body strained to get up so I have muscle pain. It is fading. 

My mentality returned as I sat in that chair. So, by the time I was released, I was fairly normal but not quite. That happened over time after and after sleeping.

I'm okay now. I have those pains but they'll go. I was told to take Tylenol for pain but I'm not hurting that bad. I suspect I will if I did something strenuous. 

I will not until I am totally healed. 

I will not even attempt to walk on ice in the future. It wasn't a wise decision. I know better now. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

T-Mobile Sucks

Get this. Last month, I tried to get more data. My last plan I had for several years was inadequate.

So, I asked for a new plan. So you understand, the only thing I have had on T-Mobile is a data plan. A hotspot. I've had one crappy ZTE one that came apart. I had then an Alcatel link zone that works fine but is obsolete now. I presently have a better Franklin T9 hotspot that is fine. I've had it only two months. 

A moronic T-Mobile employee caused this trouble by switching my plan to a phone plan. 

I've had an AT&T phone for 20 years. I wouldn't have a T-Mobile phone if it was given to me. I didn't ask for or wanted a phone plan. I have only ever had a data plan.

The result: I've been offline since January 5th. I thought it's February now but it didn't come on. I asked why. They said it was their system where any change cannot be done until the next business cycle in March. 

So I have no internet for two fucking months. Am I upset? Wouldn't you be? I've been online since I had a WebTV. For over 20 years now. So you understand I'm stressed and it's stupifying. 

I'll be okay. I have other things to do. But if you are considering going to T-Mobile, please don't. You'll be screwed for sure. 

Avoid it like the plague