Tuesday, January 13, 2015


It is true that I have not been feeling well. My scratch is healing but it still hurts.

What is worse, the weather. CNN said this time of the year is the average coldest for the whole USA. Boy, am I feeling it. It is 38 degrees F (that's 3 degrees C!) as I write this.

It is just the worst time of the year. The cold hurts, can't enjoy life because of dry skin and aches all over.

The cold damages the water pipes, harms our dogs and causes accidents, if it's icy.

Good things about the cold, perfect stillness, no mosquitoes or ants, longer nights.

I have been enjoying the longer nights. I don't like sunlight, you can see from my skin tone, I don't go out into the sun. I'll burn if I do, it's that fast.

I can feel the burn on my bare skin. That is a subject for a summer post so I'll hold off on UV radiation and my skin for now.

I hope to feel better. My hip doesn't hurt so much. I have always been stronger than that but this scratch... some how it had caused blah feelings. I could post another picture of it but do you want to see it?

I apologize if the booty pictures bother you. It is not my intention to bother anyone.

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