Thursday, January 8, 2015

18 Degrees

It is my bedtime, yes, I sleep in the daytime roughly corresponding with the hours of a school day. This has to do with light, really, I won't go into why I won't sleep in a dark room.

It is 18 degrees F outside. That's -8 C and it feels it. I am so cold, not so badly because I am right by the heater but if I have to pee, something I do with great frequency, that bathroom is so cold.

My allergies are making me feel miserable. I am badly allergic to what is known as mountain juniper here, by far the most common tree in this area.

They pollinate when it is subfreezing and it's going strong right now.

I have lots of blankets for this reason. My body does NOT like cold. My feet especially. They get so cold, I wonder if they have stopped working but I can walk and stand fine. My toes tingle though.

Not so long ago, it was 80 outside. A  strong appealing temperature.

I am wearing the best sweatshirt I ever bought, a Wilson one I got 15 years ago. It is heavy and warm and that is what is needed here. I color matched it, lol, same color as my gray heather sweat pants.

It is going to stay cold for the foreseeable future. A miserable time.

Never never will I curse it when it is 99 degrees outside. I like just wearing my underwear and a T-shirt. Definitely not today.

I will go now and hopefully not be cold on my uncomfortable bed.

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