Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hurricane Florence

This beast is Hurricane Florence. It is a well-heeled tropical cyclone and has high winds, dangerous storm surge and prodigious rain. 

It's bad for people in the Carolinas. However, you want to live by the water, certain risks are possible. 

This storm is due to sit over the area for a few days, dumping feet of rain on the area. It won't be like Harvey was here but in ways, it'll be worse. 

I hope the people got out. I question the intelligence of those who stayed. 

These storms are going to get worse as the seas heat up. They are liable to form quickly, gather strength, conditions favorable for it to move hundreds of miles before threatening any land. 

I am well inland myself. I know it is always a danger every year. 

I am sad for those who will be affected by this monster storm. 

Monday, September 10, 2018


This is a picture from the new GOES satellite. It shows big trouble in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. I am worried this will be a horrible time for people in the Eastern US. 

There's been a lot of tropical cyclone trouble in the Pacific. Japan has been hit hard and that will only get worse as the seas heat up.

If you say the temperature isn't rising or that people did not cause it, fuck you. You are stupid and willfully ignorant and may you suffer what you decry as a fake thing. 

I have studied the weather my whole life, I know something is changing. I can't say, I am no scientist but I know more than the average. 

I'll post a satellite picture of Hurricane Florence when it gets closer to the US.