Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ha ha, Dia-Icky

Maybe it is funny. Not at the time for it feels like your guts are liquefying and cleaning up is like ick.

I had it again. Could be that I drank a Dr. Pepper, which is like a laxative in soda form. Many years ago, an IHOP waitress told me and my friend Ed that Dr. Pepper is like prune juice. I don't know, I never had prune juice to my knowledge.

I am in the white part of my laundry cycle. I hope I don't have another bout of dia-icky. Wouldn't want to stain my white C-IN2 briefs. 

If soda is so bad for you, why is it so readily available? I will stick to Sierra Mist and an occasional Pepsi.

Can't drink Coke, something in it really irritates my prostate. I drink one, I will hurt.

Dia-icky hurts like that.

Still, it can be funny, squishy funny.

How often do you have dia-icky? It's not funny, but really, it is if you take a light-hearted look at it.

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