Thursday, August 14, 2014

Dia-Icky Again

Am I going to write about every time I have dia-icky? Why not? It doesn't happen very often, usually when I eat or drink or eat something that causes it.

What was it this time? Too much sugar, of course. When I have to make my own tea (I prefer to buy the gallon jug of sweet tea already made) I put one cup of sugar in one gallon of tea.

Okay, this is typical. But I use ice to 'water down' this and have more water than tea. This is a good thing. This makes it less sugary.

When you drink it without ice, as we didn't have any until a bit ago, this can cause what happened to me.

Icky, icky. You know from previous posts I don't like to poo. Dia-icky hurts in a different way.

Boom! Icky....

I cleaned up like usual, Dial and everything. Washing my nether area too much will dry it out and that is not a good thing.

I will ease up on the sugar.

This is a post about a bodily function. Dia-icky happens to everyone some time or other.

Might as well find something amusing about it.

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