Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Homosexuality in My Stories

Most of my stories are an episodic serial Space Opera. As far as plot structure goes, it is akin to how a soap opera plot develops. Ketheri is the protagonist of this serial.

However, I will talk about how things are in an equal-matriarchal culture like the one the Commonwealth has.

Homosexuality is not a sin in this culture. It is accepted as normal love. Individual people may not like it but that is how things normally are.

The most common homosexual couple would be between two females. Male couples are rare largely because of how they are raised. That is not to say a female is raised to be like that. Love is encouraged.

Lin is an example of a homosexual who gender changed, which is relatively easy to do with the technology they have. Many who do this assume the role of whatever they changed into. Some are confused. I will make a character like this later after 'Rain' is done.

Personally, homosexuality bothers me on an evolutionary level. I am not like that and do not understand the appeal. I was told today that one of my female cousins is lesby. I have not seen her in a long time so I cannot remember that much about her. Even if she is, it doesn't make her less than a person.

Maybe in a more tolerant society, it would not bother us so much.

Many of my female characters love both genders. Male characters are rare anyway because of how things developed in the setting. I tend to feminize male characters because I don't like other males. There are exceptions, Dr. Akrem and Adm. Rian are two major male characters. I have established them to be quite heterosexual. It is not something I ever mention in a story. I know my characters over the course of the stories, you would only know them if you actually read existing stories.

I will make Rain freely love, her only desire is to contribute to the Great Circle of Life. Can't do that if she and her mother are the only survivors of the destruction of their village. They will get a new village.

It is not a conscious decision based on how characters develop. For example, I never established Ketheri as lesby but her first and most intense love was a girl named Carine. Ketheri had nine kids over life, can't do that if she was not attracted to males. She has been in more male-female scenes than not.

Why should sex matter anyway? Because they are people like us. Not cardboard characters.

I may make a character to supplant Ketheri, and release my star for her wonderful future. I have been trying to do that for a couple of years now. I will work on this some more.

If you have a question, let me know.

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