Tuesday, October 21, 2014

So Angry

I don't use the phrase 'pissed-off' ever but I am using it now because I am.

I have mentioned on several occasions in the past that I cannot sleep without my radio. It is something I have done since I was child, it will be something I will do until I am gone.

What happened? The local electric power cooperative shut off the power some time between 7 am and it came back on just before 12 pm. The stated reason was to perform upgrades to their power system. Maybe it won't be so threadbare.

I have said we haven't had a bad thunderstorm go through here in some time. We have had big wind and small hail but not la tormenta, the supercell storms.

In one of those types of storms, the power usually always goes out. Sitting in the dark, scared enough that you would pee in your pants. Storms like that stroke my anxiety with a wire bbq grill cleaning brush.

I did not get much sleep, like 2 hours. I woke up because my radio was off. I feel like hell. I didn't want to shave but I did because I need to flip to the 'white-gray' part of my color pattern which is suffering mightily because I can't get a ride to the Laundromat to wash my dirty clothes.

Feelings will moderate and I will chill. Being angry causes stress which damaged my prostate gland. I was angry at wm a lot when I worked there.

I am sorry if my shave check picture reflects this. I am still angry.

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