Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shave Cuts

I couldn't shave the regular way last week because of the water pipe breaking as it did. I fixed it and I needed to shave rather badly. I did trim it with an electric shaver but my skin is not used to that. It made my skin feel burned.

I normally shave within 7 days of the last time. I went closer to ten this time. My facial hair is mostly gray. It makes me look older and no one likes it, dulls my cuteness.

I was bothered as someone had to use the bathroom and interrupted me.

I never mean to cut myself. I can't deal with cuts. The blood doesn't bother me, it is the feeling it causes. This all washes off in my shower later, I rarely have a cut the day after. I mean, with my bodygroom electric razor, I nipped my scrotal area and that freaking hurt.

I post these pictures because it seems a relevant topic of something in my life.

Have a look, this is not as bad as it could be.

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