Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sleeping Trouble

I have been having trouble sleeping. This started when I had to stay up to go to the diabetes doc. I sleep in the daytime. I always seemed to have, you know, I was late to school sometimes. Of course, that was 20 years ago.

Over my adult life, because writing is what I do most of the time, I appreciate the quiet and still of the night.

Over the past few weeks, I have been waking up after only four or five hours. I don't know why. I am one of those that needs more than 8 hours, always have been that way.

I need to sleep to be sharp-minded and I haven't been. I could barely talk one day, mush brained.

Not sleeping well is a symptom of Low T, to mention.

I don't know what it is. It is cooler because it is winter and I sleep better when it is cooler.

My bed is hideously uncomfortable, old, worn out. I have never been flexible but I seem less so now. I am liable to hurt myself if I tried something flexible.

It just is something that affects my life and how I feel.

I started taking my celexa again because it manages anxiety and makes me sleepy. I take it in the morning before I go to sleep, when I drink my daily orange juice.

Do you have trouble sleeping? It sucks, I know.

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