Sunday, September 21, 2014

Really Hurting

I believe I hurt my left hip walking all that way yesterday. I walked for 10 kilometers. Really. I had panic sweat and looked awful. I had my mp3 player with me and that made it bearable.

I think it was the shoes. I am getting new ones that don't hurt my feet. My feet seem okay today and the pain in my knees is subsiding but my hip is like 'don't stress me or I will drop you'.

I can barely raise my leg like in a normal step. I have to walk slowly.

I don't know. I stopped drinking milk some time ago and I don't take vitamins so I don't know if I am getting enough calcium. I am stuck with a diet my vegetable hating family has.

Someone dear is in the hospital and that affects everything.

I will go soak in hot water to ease this pain. It does help but if it is a bone pain I feel, I cannot tell. If it persists, I will have to go to the doctor. Why couldn't this happen when I have some money? I don't trust medicare.

I have to go anyway for a new anxiety med. I wouldn't have sweated so much and became dehydrated like I was.

I am sorry if this seems like a neverending story of misery. I did have fun playing Sins of a Solar Empire.

I am trying to write a story as well.

I do wish I was really a ghost. They have no muscles to be sore or bones to worry about. But I will stay here in the earthly life.

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