Wednesday, February 12, 2014


There are parts of my life I don't usually talk about. One of these is a big one. I never talk about defecation.

We all do it. It is the result of having a digestion system.

My body is peculiar in a way. I can be constipated for 3 or 4 days and then it comes all at once. This could be that I have a bad diet or stress or the medication I take to manage my anxiety feathers.

To clean up. I never was any good with toilet tissue. I likely never learned right or forgot if I did. For a long time, I started using water to clean up. Spraying my anal area in the bathtub and get clean that way.

Obviously this happens near shower time, I try to keep regularity at that time.  Sometimes it is not possible and I have wet wipes and so forth to clean up. I wear relatively expensive underwear so I keep it clean.

Why am I talking about this unpleasant subject?

Well, I have to go. But I can't because the water heater here is turned off. It has been 30 degrees F for like 22 hours. It likely will be so until the sun rises tomorrow.

The theory behind turning the water heater off is because the water must drip to protect the old pvc pipes under the house. I have already had to fix one as chronicled earlier in this blog.

Dripping the hot water line will 'raise the electric bill' if the water heater is not turned off so it is. This idiocy has to be respected to keep the peace.

So I cannot take a shower let alone go to the bathroom. Not to mention that it is very cold in that bathroom.

I am sorry if this bothers you. I mean, it shouldn't. We all have to go sometime.

I am seriously stressed by this intrusion into my life's simple routines.

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