Monday, February 17, 2014

Shave Picture

I changed the blades in my Schick Hydro 3 to fresh ones. I only shave every 7-10 days. Depending on how I feel. I hate shaving, I hate facial and body hair even more.

If Low T feminizes me, I would tolerate it if it does away with this useless body hair. I am so upset that my face hurts for a couple of days after dragging sharp pieces of metal across it. Using an electric razor hurts even more and doesn't do as good a job as the metal pieces.

I use Aveeno Positively Smooth shave gel. I fluff it and apply it with a shaving brush. It's better than just using one's hands. It came with a black and green ceramic shaving bowl. I like this.

I used to get totally naked to shave but the last few times, I have worn my underwear. If you are curious, I am wearing black CK underwear at the moment. I always thought it was funny, CK has the same birthday as me.

The reason I do this is because my clothes don't get wet. I can't stand wet clothes. Especially if it is in the mid 60s at the moment.

Shaving resets my laundry cycle but I don't have enough white shirts to begin it again so I wear a light gray one, white underwear, and white socks. This is sort of a peculiar thing, I know. It's just how I am.

Here is the picture, one bad spot. I took it in a darkened bathroom, I kind of like the effect.

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