Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hurting Today

I normally wouldn't write about such a thing but my chronic prostatitis has been hurting me for a few days now. It feels like a star radiating pain from a central part within my pelvic area and spreading out from the prostate to those things which it is connected.

This is why my peena hurts. It is a burning pain deep inside, as a good proportion of the peena is inside the body. This what makes peeing so painful. Searing burning. Like someone took a steel wool pad and scoured the inside of the urethra.

If this is TMI, I apologize but this is affecting my daily life in a harsh way. It hurts so bad.

I do not know if my medicare will help me if I go to the doctor about this. I don't want another DRE. I don't want a doctor touching my peena to check for lumps or any other things it does not have.

If I have to have another ultrasound or CT scan, I cannot afford that on medicare.

This pain all but retracts my peena to its smallest state. It hurts so bad.

I am not shy like that. This has nothing to do with sexuality as I am NOT feeling it now. Oh, does it hurt so.

How long can it go untreated until something bad happens? I will go to the doctor if there is blood in my pee or the pain becomes unbearable. It is close to that right now.

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