Saturday, April 19, 2014


Short of posting a picture of male anatomy and marking it in places where I hurt, I don't know how to describe it. I cannot draw to save my life so it would not look right.

Okay. You know what a guy's parts look like. This pain isn't about that. My peena does NOT hurt. Well, exposing it to really hot water, something that has always excited me, can lead to that.
This pain is clustered around the base of the peena deep inside the body. This is deep within the pelvic cavity and not something you can see short of radiology.

There is the bladder, and my bladder seems to fill and I cannot feel it when sitting here. I only feel it when I get up to go do something or take a break from the computer.

When I pee, it is like taking a water hose and squeezing it so that flow is diminished. This happens to my pee stream. What is causing this?

The prostate gland surrounds the urethra at the very base of the bladder. It is also next to the descending colon, which makes going #2 very painful for me. Matter displacing space in the colon makes it expand, which is normal, but this expansion presses on my prostate and fuck, does that hurt. Feels like a knife in there.

There is an ever-present raw stinging pain along the upper part of my urethra. It does spread down to the outer part of my peena, but only because it is all connected. This doesn't inhibit erection but it makes it uncomfortable.

Is this a urinary tract infection? I do not have a fever or feel sick. I have recurrent prostatitis, which has no known cause, though in my case, body stress can cause it.

It really hurts. It hurts to pee. It hurts just sitting here. It hurts when I am naked so wearing briefs has nothing to do with it.

I don't know how else to describe it. I will eventually have to use my medicare and go to the doctor. This can kill me if left untreated.

If it doesn't bother you, I will post pictures of the parts of me I hate the most. Even more than my awful teeth and myopic eyes. Male nudity shouldn't be a shame.

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