Tuesday, April 29, 2014


What about Russia? 

When I was a kid, I had this intense fear of a nuclear war. I was a child in the 80s and from this, I became unable to sleep without the radio on. This continues to this day. A power outage this morning caused me an ill time to sleep because the radio was off. 

Then the great Red Scare, the USSR, collapsed. I was 15 when it did and good, or was it? At least, you knew then who didn't like you.

Has this changed? Why would Putin behave like this if he did not harbor some delusion that the world should not have changed from the Soviet system.

I may not like unregulated capitalism but perverting communism into a tyranny ruins what should be a good idea. 

Russia now seems unstable, things like Ossetia apparently misbehaving and the situation in the Ukraine.

This situation seems stupid. It has been a long time now since the USSR collapsed on tv. Why wait until now to air this grievance about ethnic Russians? I am ethnically Western European but I am all Texan and American. I don't really care to go to the homeland of my DNA, it costs money and it would involve a plane ride. Forget that. 

I don't know what the deal is. When I was a kid, the Russians were the bad guy. Then the world changed and one doesn't know who the bad guy is. Terrorists? They are bad guys yes but terrorism is a crime. Different beliefs are not a crime. 

I hope this situation calms down. This year is the 100 year anniversary of the start of World War I. A similar situation could happen again if things get out of control. 

If the two World Wars taught you nothing, they should teach you the price of letting things get out of control. 

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