Sunday, April 20, 2008

Soooo Tired

I busted my tail today and didn't get one complement.

I have to find a new job. I will go insane if I do not. Enough said.

I am sooooo tired. I don't know why. The meds or the constipation IU have because of the antibiotic, or because my system is breaking down. I do have chest pains sometimes and my head gets light. That ain't a good thing. This boy is no longer the solid boy he once was.

Terrible, really. I mean, people in general. There is too freaking many of us. The world was never meant to hold this many humans and it will take a great equalizer, like an asteroid imapct or pandemic flu or something like that to even things out. If I am caught up in it, oh well. My life means nothing anyway.

I have Social Phobia. It is managed by the Celexa-clone (properly citalopram hydrobromide), but but even it cannot stem the tide of discomfort I feel when stressed. I am not stressed on days off because I am free to avoid it. Not so at that cesspit.

I wish people would respect that. Hurting mentally is worse than physically hurting sometimes.

All that aside, I am fulfilling a long held goal soon. I will dye my hair a lovely shade of purple. Why? Why not? I think it looks cool. Purple to me doesn't mean a damn thing other than a compromise between my favorite color (blue) and my least favorite color (red).

I guess I need to go to sleep now. See you kids later.

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