Monday, December 9, 2013

It's Funny

It's funny that a post about Genetically Modified Foods gets the most looks of a single post in the over 5 year history of my blog.

I read Scientific American, have since I was a kid. I have a subscription to it. I listen to what it says.

That is not to say that I blindly have faith in scientists, anything is just a human guess most of the time.

I don't understand why people are afraid. Organic food? Really? It costs more and it is NOT any better for you than processed food. I would rather eat processed foods that have been checked by QA and have standards to follow.

Why do you care?

I have submitted a blood sample to a diabetic screening clinic. If I have Type 2 Diabetes, which is uncertain because I don't meet all of the criteria for it, I will have to change my diet. It does not mean I will become vegetarian nor does it mean I will give up the sweetness I value.

I will know this coming 18th.

If you think that modern food is bad, what of what our ancestors ate? I am of Northern European descent and they had some horrible things in their diet.

I won't eat wild game. Say, in this area, the hunting of white-tailed deer is big. This yields venison which is popular. I don't like it. I don't want any.

Watch PETA videos of what happens to chickens in 'factory' farms. It is sad. It makes you sick, knowing living creatures are subjected to all of those awful things before a not always clean death.

It's almost enough to make one give up eating chicken, almost.

I won't. Those chickens are not natural galliform avians. They have been selectively bred for generations to make a creature that cannot exist in nature. Having larger than normal breast flesh, weak legs, etc...

I do feel bad for them but I can't do anything about it and why give up something that I like?

Why is it so interesting when I write about food?

I'd rather write about how lonely I am, or why the weather is colder than normal, but no. I am just provoked by this interest in something you or I can do nothing about.

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