Thursday, December 26, 2013


I sleep in the daytime. This has a lot to do with anxiety, but also conditions here.

I have slept on the same bed since I was a teenager. Yes, I need a new one rather badly but just never could get a new one for whatever reason.

I sleep on a twin sized bed. I have never had sex on my bed or in my room, it was always in far away places.

I have to have the radio on. This comes from when I was a kid, being a lonely kid, I used to fear nuclear war and other things. I mean, it was the 80s. I have always had the radio on, always will.

This past day, the station I listen to was on 'low power'. Right. You cause me anxiety by not broadcasting? I can't sleep without the radio. If it goes off, I wake up. It is always the same.

I wear a t-shirt, sweatpants, and socks when I sleep. This is for several reasons, not the least being it is cold in here this time of the year.

I prefer tight fitting briefs as things happen to a male when he sleeps. I am not different from this.

I haven't had a sexual reaction when I sleep since I was a teenager. It just doesn't work like it used to.

I have critically low T levels. I wonder if I do get treatment for this, will that change how my sex works?

I don't know. I feel like sleeping all the time. I don't actually like sleeping. I seem to live in two worlds, the dream world and the banal misery of my life.

I actually have friends in the dream world. Those in my real life are not real friends, no one direct contacts me.

This sounds silly, I know. I don't recall a lot of what happens in the theater of the neocortex. Perhaps a good thing.

I am successfully avoiding the holiday bs which depresses me. Why does it depress me? The Jen Effect. It will always hurt.

I go to sleep around 7am every day. Likely wake up between 3 and 5 pm. Who really cares when I sleep? You don't like me when I am awake.

Ar-Ghost is a ghost, he doesn't have to sleep. Lucky him.

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