Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Why I Wont Have Anything by Apple

A long time ago, when I was in school, the pc was sorta in its early days. I am a child of the 80's, you know. During the school years, occasionally, I would encounter a McIntosh computer. It was small, with a weird screen, and incomprehensible. Not to mention the bloated cost of the things.

That is where I learned of the word 'proprietary'. Not propriety is fine if you are Nintendo or Sony, for the format of the consoles they make is unique to them. Should a computer be this way?

Now I know Mac now has some commonality with Windows but this I-phone, I-pad, I-whatever else, it's all proprietary. My music is in the WMP format. I never got to buy an Mp3 player before I became unemployed. But then, I never go anywhere so why would I need to take my music with me?

I hate proprietary things. There should be one device that runs everything. This may be lack of competition, but competition is harming our country now with the debacle of this election season and the worse debacle of the US congress.

I don't need anything by Apple. I never will get anything by Apple. Take your proprietary bs and piss off.

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