Friday, March 28, 2014

Intense P-Pain

I understand some readers of this blog aren't American. You probably don't know what medicare is. I have it, I pay too much for it. I don't know how to use it but it is some kind of health insurance.

I am having intense uro-genital pain from my recurrent prostatitis. Stress can cause it, diet can cause it, the urologist that used to help me before he moved to another hospital told me caffeine can cause it. I only use one teabag per gallon in my ice tea to lessen the caffeine trip.

Perversely, not doing the m-thing for a while can cause pain for a while. If it was wrong to do the m-thing, why then does it help alleviate some pain?

Can underwear cause it? I wear briefs, primarily C-IN2 and MeUndies. They don't cause pain because when I am naked, it hurts just the same.

I cannot get excited when it hurts so bad. In my last sexual experience in the winter of 09, this pain intensified and caused embarrassment to the max. I cannot go into detail and embarrass my ex-girlfriend. That's just wrong.

Also, going #2, I absolutely don't like to talk about this normal body process. Understand about male anatomy, the descending colon passes right by the prostate gland, the very reason a digital rectal exam is possible.

I do not like DRE's. I feel violated after every one but they are necessary because the prostate can kill your ass. It must be monitored.

When I have to go, which is infrequent when I do not eat right (happens toward the end of the month before I get paid again), the material passing through doesn't hurt. Pressure on the colon hurts. Clenching hurts. Your muscles contract when you go. You know this, this is the same for everybody.

But this contraction is what squeezes on my prostate and that is next to agony.

Aside from using a graphic of male anatomy and circling where it hurts for me, I don't know how else to describe it.

The pain is like burning, stinging, numbness, aching. It is constant and always. It just gets worse sometimes and goes back to 'normal' which is hurting less but still hurting.

I am going to have to use my medicare to go to the doctor and see if this prostate trouble is needing medicine again. It has before.

A hot bath helps. The m-thing helps. If it is too bad, Tylenol helps some. But one cannot avoid peeing, which hurts the worst.

This is a look into a private pain that all but controls my life. I share this because I want you to see that stress can hurt you. Stress caused damage to my prostate gland. Do not get stressed.

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