Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Something Mentioned Before

I am derided because I don't see myself as a 'man'. I am MALE, to me, it's a distinction.

To explain, 'man' is a societal thing but then if you study history, you see that it is replete with many male persons behaving rather badly, which is being a 'man'.

'Man' is expected to behave a certain way. He is supposed to provide. Really? What do you know of anthropology? Do you study ancient cultures? What you think as human behavior is a societal behavior.

'Man' is supposed to be social, to drink, carouse, behave in a boorish and stupid way. 'Man' is represented in things like football, I mean look at the commercials that play during it. NASCAR is like that too but driving a car is not a gender-specific activity.

I am male. I have a male body, male genitals and that is about it. I have a tortured mind, strangled soul. I am male in thought and feelings and attractions.

It is uncertainty to provide is why I never had any children. As I said before, I am on SSI. How could I provide for a child?

Listen to a feminist talk. What good is a male? From a DNA standpoint, it is not really a question that can be answered. Is the Y-chromosome a mutation? The thought is a terrible one, that male becomes useless, a relic of ancient biology.

I believe in equality. I do not think being male is all that great. I don't like other males because they make me uncomfortable. What is their motive? I think of all the males I have known in my life, it just doesn't make since why males are all that important.

It could be my own self-hate. My belief that I have a female soul. Or just mental illness.

I am not a 'man'. I am male.

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