Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It could be my family, who constantly want me to do something. I am not a servitor. I get ebough of that bs at work.

It could be my girlfriend, who is frigid and doesn't reply to messages.

It could be my physical condition, my prostate hurting or the searing pain when I pee. General tiredness from the week's misery or the stupification of my celexa.

It could be that I haven't done the m-thing in 2 days. I don't believe Ive had a conscious erection in at least 2 days.

Lack of sex is for the better part something I rarely thought about since I was shy before the celexa and now am too tired or too annoyed to go look for some.

My teeth aren't in the best condition. Soe of my fillings have fallen out over the years and my left front tooth is chipped badly. Working in a store has its hazards, parrticularly if you are a stocker like me.

Now my eyes are bothering me. They seem to be irritated, though given my house, that is hardly a surprise. This rural area surrounded by allergy provokling cedar trees, dirt roads, highway fumes, pollen, then the smoking done by my family. The insensitive sods they are. I cannot see clearly for some reason. I will go to the eye doctor very soon. I am supposed to already have gone months ago.

It could be this Obama-mania. I want hard news and analysis. Not fawning over the president.

It could be the realization that I can write a better story but I lack the discipline to do so.

It could be my radio, which is failing after 10 years of constant service. I always have the radio on. It is one of my things I gotta have. Something from a childhood fear that left me unable to sleep without it on.

It could be my room, which is a combo between garbage dump and tornado damage. Only my clothes are well kept, though I've resorted to putting my off day clothes in a large plastic tote.

It could be that I need new glasses. The damned things aren't cheap. Especially if you have a powerful prescrption like I do.

This annoyance calvalcade wears on my anxiety, which is something I do NOT need.

When my tax refund comes, thankfully soon, I will see about going somewhere just to enjoy the day. It would be even better if Jen could come.

I need to go. I am getting sleepy and the *sigh* I have to pee again.

I'll be going to the cesspit tomorrow for new music, possibly new shoes and I will drop by Jen's house.

Understand, if I am blessed with a sex friend, it is in no way an affront to Jen. She doesn't and wouldn't care to know.

There is a little Arthelius in me. I am not the ghost he is, however.

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