Thursday, August 29, 2013

Verizon Greed

I use a Verizon modem to connect to the 'net. This is because I live in a semi-rural area near a cell tower.

For the past few months, I've gone way over my plan. Right now, I am looking at a $140 bill for August. I can pay this but it irks me that it costs so much in the first place.

Didn't someone in Congress say that the internet should be a basic right? My 5 GB allowance is $50 and is not enough if I want to watch a movie.

My laptop is brand new. It needed like 200 updates from, Windows Update and that added to it. I also watched some movies, downloaded a lot of music I bought. 5 GB is just not enough.

So I will change to the $80 10 GB plan, when this overplagued bill ends in the first week of September.

Why does it cost so much? This is just greed. Every corporation is greedy to some point. I saw it in wm, greed dictated store policy. I despise greed. I only want to do my thing and have a shell to retreat into as my anxiety uncoils and strikes like a cobra.

I don't know. Many things I liked about the internet have gone away. I miss my WebTV. That's going away as well.

Change? No, it's more like entropy, a breakdown. I hate change.

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