Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Extremely Personal

I have mentioned my anxiety disorder many times. I take a medicine for it, citalopram (better known as Celexa). Celexa helps me by blunting the constant panic/worry I feel. It changes me by making me less sharp mentally and making me sleepy all the time.

However, by far and away, the most irritating side effect is the delayed-orgasm effect it has.

No, I do not have a girlfriend. Jen effect, you know.

I have to release ever so often. It is because of my prostate. If it is not cleared, it can gather bacteria and become infected. This is no joke and it freaking hurts. Antibiotics are NOT fun either. I have taken three in the past for this.

Dr. H, the urologist told me to release ever so often. It hurts, like right after the release. It feels like someone kneaded my prostate gland. It hurts to pee afterward as well, like someone took a brillo pad and scraped out the inside of my urinary tract.

I learned in my last sexual experience that it hurts to go in and out, causing stress on my prostate. Celexa afftected that too. I never did finish.

So I can't finish now, when usually, it's not a problem. My most naughty movie does stimulate but something is not working. It is this damned medicine. I cannot not take it. I don't want to feel panicky all the time.

My prostate gland has hurt badly for several days now. I believe drinking Coca-Cola caused it as the urologists said, soda causes irrititation. I cannot go see them. I do not currently have health insurance. They won't see me without it.

What kind of doctor is that?

I don't know what to do about this, to be honest. It is the worst pain, you know, when it hurts to pee. How often do you pee? Imagine if it hurt every time you went like it does for me.

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