Tuesday, April 19, 2011

About the C

Ha ha, I admit to a porn addiction. This started near the beginning with my relationship with Jen, who is as frigid as a spring day on Pluto. I am particular to what I like and I won't share that but I will say my favorite 'actress' is Jana Cova.

Over the years, I always thought Playboy was the thing. I mean, it defines the men's magazine, likely the most read of them. However, over the last few years, I have got copies of it that do not show the C. Hardly anything in the pubic area.

What is the most beautiful part of a woman? To me, it is proportion. But I like all parts of them.

What is the C? Clitoris. The clitoris is a structure in the same place and from the same origin tissue as what develops into a penis in the male should it be a male fetus.

What is a vagina but a deep dark hole? I am reminded of my time with Malee, who reinforced that opinion. She wouldn't let me see, took my glasses. I can't see more than inches away clearly without them. Why be shy about your genitals?

We all have them. It doesn't matter how big, small, colored, pale, shaped, or asymmetric it is. This is true for both genders. I feel that Victorian-ism, which was Prince Albert's fault, actually, still stains civilization with prudishness and ignorance.

That is not to say that showing them off is proper in a public setting.

I admit that I wish I had been born a girl. I do not feel confusion about my gender but I have sensitivity, empathy, and shyness like a girl. I am not feminine in any way however.

Why is this? It could be the root cause of my anxiety disorder, an overly-sensitive personality. I have always been overly-sensitive.

I do not like other guys. I don't like to look at them and I don't like associating with them.
It can be that I relate poorly to other males, or there is an implied threat, or just because the lot are stupid smelly creatures.

I am not shy about my body, other than the belly I have, of which something can be done about. I am also cursed with androgenic hair in many places.

My prostatitis and the treatments for it has all but ruined any propriety, sensitivity, or inhibition I had.

Anyway, I subscribe to Penthouse, which does show the C and that is why I subscribe to it. I am not looking for sick porn but I am looking for beautiful examples of femininity.

Ha ha. Let's see you talk about such things.

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