Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I always hurt. Male pain, the pain caused by my prostate gland. It is stress-damaged. I have eye-head pain because I look at a computer screen all the time. I write stories so what else could I do?

I have odd pains, like earlier, my left knee hurt for no apparent reason. I have never injured my knees other than normal bruises by banging into something. I can be clumsy sometimes.

I have more severe emotional pain. It is variable day to day. It can happen on its own but a catalyst can cause it, usually my loneliness, personal sense of shame or what other people say/do.

Hurting. I can't take ibuprofen. It hurts my stomach. I take Tylenol and it helps. I have been recently having severe tooth pain, though it is caused by an exposed nerve in an out of the way place. My teeth have suffered severely for my high-sugar diet. I have a powerful sweet tooth.

I don't drink much soda, no more than one a day and that is when I first wake up. Perversely, I drink orange juice at the end of the day.

My 'day' is from around 230 pm to 5 or 6 am. I am a night person, always have been. Even when I was in high school. As a person who needs more than the average amount of sleep, 9 to 11 hours, this hasn't always been a good thing.

Also, I have a belly, I am almost 38, metabolism isn't what it used to be. I am sort of self-conscious about it. I am going to join a fitness club when I can afford it.

I hurt every time I pee, or the other thing especially. If you know something of male anatomy, you know what I am talking about.

It is a pain I am accustomed to.

Do you have pain as well? I mean, sooner or later, I and most others will develop arthritis. I fear mine has already begun with these mysterious joint pains, my hips and fingers especially.

I sent off for a DNA test to see exactly what will happen. It is almost ready, I will let y'all know what it says.

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