Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grr! Dog Days

I've held off bitching about the hot weather this summer. I've spent 98% of it indoors. But as these days continue, I have to admit, it's gotten to me.


1. It is constantly 90+ degrees in my room. This is thanks to the failure of the central a/c system in my house that no one is bothering to fix and so I must rely on 3 fans, two big and one small. They create enough of a breeze in concert to allieviate sweating all my body moisture away. The humidity in here also hovers around 24% and if it wasn't for sweating, my skin would crack and dry out. This is more of a wintertime malady.

2. Insect activity has exploded. I am bit by bugs constantly and the flies are prolific everywhere. Even at the store. We used to use a chemical fogger for flies at the 1st store I worked at and gosh, we poisoned ourselves more than once with that thing, as someone had to set it before we left and locked up the store. There is an insect problem here, I will admit. What do you expect? This is the rural wasteland.

3. My computer shuts off when it gets too hot. I think this is the power supply doing this and I guess that is a good thing. I am getting to where I cannot use my computer in the late afternoon. It is making me very upset. Is this hurting my pc? I don't really know.

4. I cannot sleep when it is too hot. I wear sweatpants and a shirt when I sleep. This is largely related to the insect thing. But I have always slept in this. I stoppped sleeping in my underwear when I was a teenager and had my 1st wet dream. Ick. I sleep best when it is cold, I have all kinds of blankets and warm wear, even a Snuggie lol, but they are useless in this torrid heat. Even now, at 235 am it is 90 degrees in here. I have a desktop hydrometer/thermometer thingy I originally got to monitor humidty levels.

I thought I could stay out of the heat unlike the last three years when I was out in it at the wm. There have been almost 30 consecutive days above 100 F in CenTx. This is related to climate change, and don't say it isn't. And it's an El Nina season, a pretty strong one so who knows what the winter will be like? I used to be able to take the heat but as I got older and started taking antidepressants that tolerance was eroded away. Conversely, I cannot stand the cold. It hurts.

This angers me too. For most of the year, I wouldnt dream of taking a cold shower, and yet, I have for the last month or so. The cold soothes when I am too hot but the last few are leaving me uncomfortable. It is a bitter relief.

I hope this heatwave breaks soon. It was 107 today in Waco, which isnt that far from here. The sun, it is entering the active part of its 11-year cycle, but then, it is not as energetic like past seasons, likely because of a minimum cycle theorized to be on a 300 year cycle.

Few people bother to learn history these days but in the 1700s, there was an exceptionally cold few years called the little ice age. This could be beause of that 300-year cycle. Lord help us if it happens again. Things cost too much now. It always costs more when it is cold it seems.

I can stay hydrated here, unlike when I was at wm. This is not good because I pee more and that hurts my prostate.

Oh, and a No. 5 for ya. I am wearing shorts, and ick, who wants to see my pasty white legs? I am self-conscious when I have to go to the store in them. I am trying to adapt to an overnight scheme as I have for most of my adult life but it is hard. It is hard to sleep when the sun is beating down on the house, making it hot in here.

And gosh, opening up the front door in the afternoon is like opening a furnace. The storm door gets too hot to touch.

It should let up in the later weeks of September but I don't know. Seasons ain't what they used to be.

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