Sunday, August 1, 2010


Let me comment first on Facebook. What an effing waste of time and web allocation. Who cares where you are going or wants to hear your proseltysing? I believe God and Jesus too but I don't force my beliefs on others. I wanted talk to my school friends but I am contacted by people who were never really my friends. Where are my friends? I ain't seen any of them in 17 years. What kind of friend is that? Eh, never mind. I don't like facebook. I never felt comfortable using it so I mention old Arthelius and Marraka, let them eat up that metaphysical SW soap opera.

They are on vacation at a sex resort on pre-Yuuzhan Vong War Kuat. I didn't mention that part, you know, they might think that I am a disturbed individual. Ha ha. I KNOW it isn't real. Do you believe anything you do is REAL? Wasting time on farmville? Ha! I played Sins of a Solar Empire and wiped the floor with pirates and my enemy in one huge battle. And guess who won. Queue 'I Stand Alone' by Godsmack. Bwahahaha!

Seriously, I don't give a rat's behind what you did today.

You know what I did? ITCH! I got into some poison sumac while doing an outdoor chore. I contact spread it to my left eyelid when I wiped sweat away, and further contact spread it to my peeny when I went to pee. I always have to go pee, it's a prostatitis thing. Itchy-itchy.

You ever take a cold shower when your core temperature is too warm? It's kinda blissful but something I'd never do in the wintertime, cold is usually painful to me but not when it was 103 outside today. I have red rashes on my knees and inside of my elbows. I suspect that I have one on my hiney too but I wore shorts (bad mistake) while doing those chores and my beloved posterior was covered.

I don't really dislike anyone. I just don't like insipid conversation. Talk about Quasars or how sorry it was when Anakin Solo bought it in that worldship over Myrkr. Not 'I was at the car lube place' or 'I scored a million points in a meaningless game'.

I have written thousands of stories. I continue to write. I have the knowing of a lot of different things. I am no genius but I can hold my own.

Oh, why couldn't Arthelius take me with him? Sorry bastard.

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