Monday, June 16, 2008

Anxious (Anxiety-Boosted)

I don't know if my Anxiety Disorder has anything to do with my painful personal illness. If it does, then I'm doomed to hurt always. I mean, I hurt now and have all day. That freaking job is not helping. 100 degrees tomorrow. I start the contrast fluid intake tomorrow. Nothing but that to drink and nothing to eat until at least Tuesday afternoon. I am ever nauseous feeling these days. My stomach reels from the assault by meds and too much soda.

Errr... This apprehension is horrible. People say I'll be okay. Jen says just be brave. That's easy for them to say. They don't cringe at the awful pain as they pee.

I am relying on the Celexa-clone to get me through this. I will take it way early on Tuesday to avoid the panic attack inevitable when they hook an IV line into me.

I hope this is not a big deal. I will try to befriend the radiologist and the nurses. It's always nice to speak to people in my hometown. It is nothing like that festering stench-filled cesspit called K-town.

Again, I am imbibing a liter of Evian in less than 30 minutes. I like Evian because it tastes pure. I have drank it since I first saw it in my preteen years. Lucky the HEB carries a variety of sizes for it.

I am deydrated. Don't quite know how to avoid that and not upset my stomach and body by consuming a great quantity of water that will make me pee painfully once again.

A conundrum, no? yes? Listen to Elastica and it will be better. Just like now.

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