Thursday, February 27, 2014


Err... an uncomfortable subject. It happens to all of us. Many things cause it. In my case at the moment it is the over-chlorinated tap water used to make my tea and bathe in and whatever else.

I have a hard time spelling diarrhea. Had to do spellcheck to get that right, for an example.

I know it as dia-icky and it is icky. Try cleaning up from it.

This causes a pressure build in my colon that presses on my irritable prostate gland. Oh, fuck does that hurt. It feels like being stabbed there. My prostate gland is damaged, too sensitive and hurts all the time. Stress did that to it. I avoid stress in my life now but the damage is done.

I cannot hold it when it hits me, I HAVE TO GO. Not a problem since I spend most, if not all, of my time sitting here. The bathroom is just a few steps away.

Gut clenches, that HURTS. Muscles contract and squeeze on my prostate. How it got damaged in the first place. It hurts worse than it did when this began to be sure but it is a pain I have grown used to.

Dia-icky is dangerous because it lessens the hydration level of your body. I seem not to have a problem with that as I have to pee every 15 minutes or so.

I don't know if the over-chlorinated water is harming us in any other way. It is stupid, the water company.

Does this post bother you? Think of dia-icky the next time it happens to you. Maybe my word for it would amuse you in this unpleasant time.

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