Sunday, November 12, 2017

Something That Really Bothers Me

You may or may not know that astronomy is my first and deepest love. I know a lot about it and it is my primary interest.

That being said, an ordinary space rock would not be such a concern unless it was heading to collide with the earth, which is not liable in my lifetime. 

The fact that scientists cannot identify this object, A/2017 U1 bothers me a lot but that is just being careful. 

What bothers me is the path this alleged space rock is taking, exactly the path you'd use to check out a planet from afar. Could it be something else? Could it be a probe of some kind? Why would it take this path if it was a random space rock from another star system, which may have been traveling for billions of years??

Why do they not know what it is with a certainty? This is ruffling my anxiety feathers something fierce.

See for yourself in this NASA animation.

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