Sunday, August 10, 2014


I have written before what that doctor told me about my Low T. I feel some effects of it, like lack of energy but if it was true, my peena would be affected and it is not. It could be related to my prostate trouble but I don't know. I am not a doctor.

I think it's not happening but I look down in the shower and rub soap on my chest and something is there. It doesn't feel like a girl's bosom, even Jen let me touch hers.

I don't know if it is happening but if it does, how would that change my life? I am already too shy. I had a panic attack just going to get ice a few moments ago.

Maybe it is not happening. This could be just a feature of maleness. It is something I hate as you know.

I am posting a picture of my chest to show if this is happening. Compare it to the last time I talked about this.

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